I bought a lot of sweater-quantities of yarn last year. I won't say how many, but it is significantly fewer than the number of sweaters that I actually knit during the year.
The problem is, it's much easier to plan a sweater than it is to actually knit a sweater. I get the thrill of finding the perfect yarn for a pattern, I click "buy", and I quickly move on to the next shiny object. It's not a character trait I'm particularly proud of, but there it is.
This year, I aim to practice some self-discipline. No more impulse buys, and I will keep my stashing to a net negative: For every 2 yards I knit, I can buy 1 yard of yarn. If I want to buy a 400yd skein of sock yarn, for instance, I need to have already knit 800 yards of yarn.
And if I want to buy a sweater's worth... I need to finish two sweaters. Or the equivalent yardage on other projects.
I think this will be a motivating challenge for me - I'm not going "cold sheep", but I'll still be working down my stash overall. I have to earn my yarny treats.

Here's to a productive 2019!
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