Last weekend was the Ohio Alpaca Breeder's Association's annual Alpacafest - a festival where alpaca farmers and vendors all gather together for a weekend of snuggly soft camelids, crias, and more importantly FIBER and YARN!

There were a great selection of vendors, and my friends and I got a load of great stuff. I got a 2-ounce suri/huacaya batt ('Masquerade ball') and some dyes from Alpaca Meadows, as well as a pair of socks for the boy (who is currently knitting me another scarf!).
The alpacas were totally cute and we had lots of fun meeting them. Our friend Brad at KB Alpacas in Fairfield showed us a 4-day-old cria, who was so tiny and adorable I could hardly stand it.

The alpacas are totally awesome and we all had a great time. If you're in the Columbus OH area in November, do check out the Alpacafest at the Expo Center, because it is a great place to meet your fiber and get some steals on yarn & roving, right from the source.
they have the cutest expressions! Kinda like fawns! {:-D