I recently got a large order, which was oodles of fun to fill. 20 skeins of sock yarn, 5 skeins each of 4 yummy semisolid colors, including two all-new colorways.

The colorways are:
-Canary's Song, bright yellow and orange (as seen here in my socks)
-The Grass is Greener, a darker variation of Grass Stains
-Blue Marlin, a nice bluish teal
-Mass Wisteria, a purple with pinkish spots

I love dyeing! I had a lot of fun with these. Those skeins specifically are shipped off already but I still have some skeins to dye up for the shop. I ordered enough yarn for 35 100g skeins, but I ended up winding 31 skeins of yarn... so these skeins have a little extra yarn bonus in them ;)

Beautiful colors! I'd love to see what someone makes when they buy that lovely yarn.