Yesterday I participated in WWKIPD (World Wide Knit in Public Day) and I had so much fun! Sock Knitters Anonymous organized a scavenger hunt, allotting points for photos of your sock-in-progress "doing" various things - riding in a vehicle, dancing, being held by people, et cetera.
Here are some of my WWKIP photos.
I cast the sock on at midnight, June 13. Sheepy poses with my sock proudly in front of my stash.

Angel, one of my cats, tried on my sock for me.

A girl working at Chick-Fil-A posed with my sock and gave me a milkshake. Now I know how the Yarn Harlot feels, asking people to hold my sock like a crazy woman.

Me and my sock stopped at Michaels, to pose with the yarn and an endangered animal!

In the evening I went to my sister's play. She was in Beauty and the Beast with the East Side Players. I was knitting in public, and here's proof!

I also got some of the cast to pose with my sock.

I've given you an award on my blog!
Congratulations and see you around!