My Worldwide Knit in Public Day

Yesterday I participated in WWKIPD (World Wide Knit in Public Day) and I had so much fun! Sock Knitters Anonymous organized a scavenger hunt, allotting points for photos of your sock-in-progress "doing" various things - riding in a vehicle, dancing, being held by people, et cetera.
Here are some of my WWKIP photos.

I cast the sock on at midnight, June 13. Sheepy poses with my sock proudly in front of my stash.

Joy's yarn stash with Sheepy the toy sheep and my knitted sock in front of my yarn stash

Angel, one of my cats, tried on my sock for me.
Hairless Sphynx Sphinx cat with knitted wool sock toe up rainbow stripes

A girl working at Chick-Fil-A posed with my sock and gave me a milkshake. Now I know how the Yarn Harlot feels, asking people to hold my sock like a crazy woman.
Chick Fil A waitress posing with my handknit knitted sock

Me and my sock stopped at Michaels, to pose with the yarn and an endangered animal!
Opal Rainbow Stripes knitted sock at Michaels Craft Store with a giant panda

In the evening I went to my sister's play. She was in Beauty and the Beast with the East Side Players. I was knitting in public, and here's proof!
Joy Joyuna knitting outdoors WWKIP Day KIP with sock

I also got some of the cast to pose with my sock.
Belle Disney's Beauty and the Beast Broadway show posing with a handknit wool rainbow knitted sock
Beauty and the Beast Disney Cogsworth and Mrs Potts drama theater theatre with my knitted sock


1 comment:

  1. I've given you an award on my blog!

    Congratulations and see you around!
