Hello, and welcome

First day of the year, so here's me beginning anew.
Seeing as everyone else in the entire knitting universe has a knitting blog, I figured I'd have to add myself to the "blogosphere", as the cool kids like Cory Doctorow call it.

So, hi. My name's Joy, and I've been knitting since July 21, 2007. I've been spinning since December 8, 2007, or about three weeks ago. I've been dyeing since a couple days ago. I fear where my fiber obsession may lead me next.

Here I plan to write things about knitting, spinning, dyeing, and related things. I don't have many techniques to share, so if you're seeking help I'm afraid I can't help you much. But I'll share my experiences, and keep you updated on my various projects if you care to see them.

My Ravelry ID is Joyuna, and elsewhere on the Internet I tend to go by that name. If you find me, please do comment if you have some things to share. :)

Until later!


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