We just had a long bank holiday weekend in the UK, which gave me some time to kick back and catch up on my crafting. One thing I did was browse the Craftsy course offerings and sign up for a few new mini-courses.
My first introduction to Craftsy's mini-classes was Know Your Wool by Deb Robson - I've already raved about that in a previous post - simply a fabulous class, and I would have paid full money for it!

The cabled necklines class is really interesting - again, I would have been happy to pay and watch a full-length class on this topic (the teacher does have another Craftsy class available, about designing cabled garments). It's about designing interesting necklines that complement the rest of your garment and help draw attention upwards towards your face.
The buttercream class I haven't watched yet, but hopefully I will learn something interesting :)
I'm loving the Craftsy classes I've bought. I've got a tentative deal with myself not to buy any more before I've finished the ones I've already bought, so we'll see how that goes ;)