This is my newest project. Since finishing the Coriolis socks, I needed some class knitting. Since the only other things I'm working on are lace, I figured I might as well start a new project. Socks, naturally.
The Sock Knitters Anonymous Sockdown challenge for May is cables. I'm really rotten at cables, but I chose this design by Yarnissima, 'brainless'. I've never done a Yarnissima pattern before, so I think this will be a good introduction to her construction.

It's not bad so far (I haven't started the gusset yet), and I'm shakily doing the cables without a cable needle. It's going okay, ish.
After I'm comfortable with these, I plan on starting the SKA mystery sock, which is also designed by Yarnissima, named Kiila. I'm going to do it in one of the skeins I held back from my most recent round of dyeing (I liked them too much to let them go!).
Like I said, I'll be knitting these 'brainless' socks during class (at least 2 hours every day), so they should go pretty quickly. I'll keep you updated.
I like the diagonal stripes. I have a pair of socks that I have been knitting but haven't been motivated to work on them much this week.