I've gotten to the point where I have enough handknit socks, that I hardly ever wear commercial socks - my knitted socks fit better, are warmer, and are prettier than any pair I could find in a store. However, wearing my socks so often will take its toll. Not to long ago, to my horror, I discovered...
Holes in my handknit socks! Oh, what horrors! What ever am I going to do? Certainly I can't just throw the pair out. I worked hard on them, I put my sweat and tears into them, they're like my children. I could never waste a perfectly good pair of socks for a couple measly holes.
The solution is a word that may strike fear into some of your hearts: Darning. Darning your socks (and indeed, any of your knitwear) is a way to mend holes, or reinforce areas that you expect to get extra wear. So if you know you're going to be hard on your heels, or anywhere else (I actually wear out the ball of the foot), you can darn that area to give it extra strength.